Let me recap my week for you.
My phone decided it was possessed and shut down 20 seconds into every call. My computer all but blew up. My dishwasher decided that it needed a reboot. The dog yacked on the carpet and the children are so keyed up about Grammy and Poppie coming to visit that I had to bungee them to the roof rack to get home from school yesterday. That being said, this is me!

I'll get that huggy jacket in the mail to you right away. =)
You are handling it all quite well. LOL
Been there, felt like that :-(
Yeah, I'm on the verge of hysteria myself. Great pic!!! Happy Wordless Wednesday & Thanksgiving!
It actually looks like you are laughing really hard!
lol :)
It looks like you have been mixing up some Fear of the Lord...at least that's the last time I remember seeing you like this! LOVE IT!!!!
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