Thursday, February 19, 2009

Take a Laugh; Leave a Laugh!

Welcome to the first Show me the Funny! I am not one to play memes very often but since I made this one up myself I should probably play, right?

But Sarah, what IS Show me the Funny? It's a break from all the bummer news out there. It's a chance to laugh until you shoot stuff out of your nose. It's a reason to buy your keyboard a slicker. And it's a good workout for your abs.

So here's the deal. If you have stumbled across or written a good funny this week you post your link in the Mr. Linky at the end of the post. Should you write a piece between now and next Wednesday that you think is worthy of a feature on Show me the Funny! you e-mail it to me at ineedthezoo(at)yahoo(dot)com and I get to feature you next week. 'Cause we all know it's about the linky love, right?

Now let me share with you a few of the great funnies I came across this week!

I think we should all go thrift shopping with my pal Staci! She meets the most interesting people when she's Thrift Shopping!

Now CSI in training Jenna let school get the better of her but at least It Was Interesting!

I think Stephanie (who has given me awards before! See how that works?) is trying to cover her secret battle against the economy but I'll let her blame it on her kids this time. Just don't make Wishes while you're over there!

And if you thought my rant about spam was funny earlier this week you have to go check out Suzanne's inbox. That girl gets some seriously funny Spam!

Miranda the Cheerio Queen has come face to face with the Mother's Curse and survived to blog it - for now.

And finally (for now) Victoria is taking on Barbie! Well, her clothes at least!

What about you? Have you come across a funny that I don't have here? Please share it with me! I love to laugh! And I haven't done my Pilates yet today so you could really help me out. Add your link, leave love for all the wonderful folks who contributed, and Laugh!

Wanna play along? Grab the Show me the Funny button and add it to your funny post today. All I ask is that you tell folks where they can get their own.

Show me the Funny!


Suzanne said...

Thank you! We all need more laughs, don't we?

Staci A said...

Thanks for the linky love! All the weirdos I meet remind me exactly why it is that I would rather just stay home.

Jenna said...

HEHE! Hey, atleast I'm preparing myself right?

Ragmansdaughter said...

Oh! These were just too good not to share. I especially like the one about the skunk closing a Mifflin County library. Is it bi-racism to keep him out of the library? He is black and white. Or would it be smellism? Just because you don't like how he smells, is no reason to keep him from enjoying a good book.